7月1日 |
1927 |
Nell Hudson became registrar. |
7月1日 |
1943 |
About 400 Navy men enrolled in the College for the V-12 program. |
7月1日 |
1948 |
75名学生承诺为3月yville游泳池拟议的债券发行工作. |
7月1日 |
1964 |
J.W. Jones retired after 26 years with Northwest, including the last 19 as president. |
7月1日 |
1977 |
Dr. B.D. 欧文斯开始担任和记棋牌娱乐第八任校长,也是第一位担任校长的校友 |
7月4日 |
1917 |
《和记娱乐ios》是《和记棋牌娱乐》的前身,首次亮相是在《和记娱乐ios》上. |
7月5日 |
1917 |
The first in a series of "War Discussions" was given by faculty for students and the public. |
7月5日 |
2001 |
森. 琼·卡纳汉和西北社区的100多名成员聚集在一起,为J.W. Jones Student Union, less than a year after Gov. Mel Carnahan died in a plane crash. 学生会三楼的房间现在被称为卡纳汉学生参议院会议厅. |
7月5日 |
2016 |
行政大楼的维修工作开始进行,拆除并更换了西翼上方的南山墙. The extensive repair project, which also included the replacement of all of the building's windows, continued through late spring 2017. |
7月6日 |
1928 |
President Uel Lamkin became president of the National Education Association. |
7月6日 |
1931 |
The College was caught in a bank failure, but most of the funds were insured. |
7月6日 |
1935 |
R.T. Wright arrived at the College and later became head of the agriculture department. |
7月8日 |
1930 |
学校取消了课程,行政大楼前的国旗在拉姆金总统3岁的儿子去世后降半旗, 迪基, died tragically as the result of a fall at the president's home. |
7月8日 |
1938 |
The Board of Regents was notified that the U.S. government would assume 45 percent of the cost of building a library. Construction of the Wells Library was completed in 10月ober 1939. |
7月8日 |
2011 |
The Upward Bound program celebrated 25 years at Northwest with a reunion at the Gaunt House. The program helps high school students realize their goals of attending college. |
7月8日 |
2016 |
在杰弗逊城国会大厦广场酒店举行的年度颁奖晚宴上,密苏里州警卫队和预备役雇主支持组织(ESGR)将西北航空公司评为密苏里州最具支持性的雇主之一, 密苏里州. |
7月9日 |
1915 |
奥利弗小姐. DeLuce was employed as head of the art department. |
7月9日 |
1930 |
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Will Durant visited the campus. |
7月10日 |
1911 |
City water was cut off from the Normal School because of a shortage, resulting in the school's use of a well west of the Administration Building, and people were forbidden to water horses from the well. |
7月10日 |
1911 |
City water was cut off from the Normal School because of a shortage, resulting in the school's use of a well west of the Administration Building, and people were forbidden to water horses from the well. |
7月11日 |
1985 |
校董会投票决定重新命名大学的农业机械大楼,以纪念阿尔弗雷德·麦凯米, who served on the Board from 1975 to 1985, including three consecutive two-year terms as president of the Board. |
7月11日 |
2014 |
西北基金会董事会一致投票决定发起“永远绿色”筹款活动, beginning with a quiet phase to cultivate lead donors. 该活动于2021年结束,筹集了超过5500万美元,超过了4500万美元的目标. |
7月15日 |
2020 |
和记棋牌娱乐进入了2019冠状病毒病大流行期间恢复校园运营计划的第三阶段,也是最后阶段. Virus mitigation measures urged all students, 员工和访客应戴口罩,并保持至少6英尺的社交距离. As students and employees returned to campus, they received Northwest-branded face coverings and bottles of hand sanitizer. |
7月16日 |
1907 |
The school's first athletics director, Paul A. White, was employed. |
7月16日 |
1979 |
High winds and rain stripped the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building of its roofing, 让水倾泻到查尔斯·约翰逊剧院的舞台上,并损坏了珀西瓦尔·德鲁斯纪念收藏中的100幅版画. Roof damage at Wells Library also caused severe water damage to about 120 books. |
7月17日 |
1918 |
一面国旗上镶嵌着137颗星星,代表着每一位在第一次世界大战中战斗过的师范生. |
7月19日 |
1906 |
师范学校进入了竞技体育,学院队与镇队进行了一场棒球比赛. |
7月19日 |
1909 |
Dr. H.K. Taylor was elected president after the resignation of President Homer 3月tien Cook. However, Cook withdrew his resignation and the school had two presidents for four months. |
7月19日 |
1920 |
基督教青年会在行政大楼一楼走廊设立了自助餐厅,为300名参加“活力农业”短期课程的学生提供服务. |
7月20日 |
1939 |
托马斯·哈特·本顿(Thomas Hart Benton)向1939届的学生赠送了一幅《和记娱乐ios》(Cradling Wheat)的平版版画,因为他们无法购买他的一幅油画. |
7月21日 |
1949 |
校董会投票决定将学校名称从西北密苏里州立师范学院改为西北密苏里州立学院. |
7月22日 |
1890 |
The cornerstone of the "Old Seminary Building" was laid. |
7月24日 |
1979 |
行政大楼四楼办公室的电气故障引起了一场灾难性的火灾,几乎摧毁了大楼. |
7月24日 |
2019 |
同时纪念烧毁行政大楼的大火40周年, KXCV在Wells Hall二楼举行了开放日和剪彩仪式,庆祝其改造完成. |
7月25日 |
1911 |
The Normal Glee Club presented "Fair Ellen," a cantata. |
7月25日 |
1913 |
The Bachelor of Pedagogy degree for two years of coursework was dropped, and it was decided that a Life Diploma would be given without a title. |
7月26日 |
2010 |
Northwest's Administration Building, with its century-old towers standing as symbols of culture, education and economic development, was added to National Register of Historic Places. |
7月27日 |
1911 |
Students saw the first "talking picture" at the Fern Theater; the story was told as pictures played. |
7月28日 |
2011 |
2009年,三名女性成为和记棋牌娱乐护理学学士学位课程的首批毕业生. 也, 21名学生成为首批通过与密苏里南州立大学合作管理的在线学位课程获得工商管理硕士学位的学生. |
7月28日 |
2014 |
大学警察局和采购办公室从校园东侧西九街的总部搬到了校园西侧紧邻物资配送中心的新建成的建筑中. |
7月29日 |
1905 |
密苏里州西北部第五区师范学校选址委员会访问了玛丽维尔. |
7月29日 |
1927 |
Pi Gamma Nu, a social science honor society, was organized. |
7月29日 |
1937 |
A Northwest intelligence test proved female students were smarter than male students. |
7月29日 |
2004 |
西北的足球场原名里肯布罗德体育场,更名为熊猫体育场. 改名是由一群匿名捐赠者提出的,他们希望用这个名字来纪念最近完成了一系列体育场改善工程的所有人. |
7月30日 |
1945 |
President Lamkin handed his letter of resignation to the Board of Regents. |
7月30日 |
1954 |
The first commencement at Memorial Stadium, now 熊猫 Stadium, was conducted at 8 p.m. |
7月30日 |
2021 |
Northwest celebrated the opening of the Agricultural Learning Center, a 29,500-square-foot multipurpose facility at the R.T. 赖特农场. 那天晚上, 校友, 捐助者和朋友们聚集在休斯运动场,庆祝七年“永远绿色”综合运动的结束, just the second in the University's history, which exceeded its $45 million goal by raising $55,026,782. |
7月31日 |
1996 |
“虫世界”餐厅只在霍勒斯曼实验学校的四年级教室里开了一个晚上, under the instruction of Sheri Strating. The night's menu included wormy casserole and chili con worme. |
7月31日 |
2010 |
Dr. 弗兰克Grispino, professor and director of Northwest's doctoral program, retired after 45 years at the University. |
7月31日 |
2015 |
The 密苏里州 Academy of Science, 数学与计算学院开始了为期一个周末的15周年庆祝活动,其中包括社会活动和演讲者对该机构历史和未来的反思. The 密苏里州 Academy 关闭d at the end of the 2017-18 academic year. |
7月31日 |
2020 |
In response to nationwide racial unrest and University President Dr. 约翰·亚辛斯基向西北基金会董事会提出挑战,要求其考虑如何更好地支持有色人种学生, 1980 alumna Karen Daniel announced her $1 million cash gift to establish the Karen L. 丹尼尔遗产基金,为黑人学生提供奖学金,并帮助和记棋牌娱乐重新关注多样性和包容性倡议. |